2019 Harvest Festival Parade
Parade Rules - Entries CLOSED
Parade instructions and rules are designed to ensure an orderly, safe and family oriented parade. NEW parade route starting at 4th and Pine St. traveling west on 4th to Cypress St., turn left on Cypress go to 2nd Street, turn left on 2nd Street go to Pine Street, turn left on Pine Street and return to 4th Street.
Please communicate these rules to all the members of your parade entry:
- Deadline for parade entries is September 14, 2019
- Candy CAN be tossed from floats, you MUST HAVE 2 adults walking along each side of the float. Floats without 2 adults will not be allowed to distribute candy.
- Check in for all entries will be located at 4th and Pine St. (Park & Ride lot) at 9 a.m.
- All float riders must stay on the float until the end of the parade route.
- There must be a responsible adult on floats where children are present.
- No squirt guns, water squirters or other similar item(s) are permitted. If found, they will be confiscated and not returned.
- No vehicles will be allowed with loud mufflers or engines.
- All participants must follow the instructions of designated parade officials.
- The parade will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. on October 5, 2019 and will last approximately 1 hour.
- After check-in, vehicles in the parade must have a licensed driver with the vehicle keys present at all times.
- It is the responsibility of parents/adults with children participating in the parade to make all necessary arrangements for pick up located in the parking lot of First Citizens Bank at the corner of Pine St. and Wendell Blvd next to the Chamber office.
- A fire extinguisher is required to be on every float for safety reasons.
- No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on any parade entry at any time before or during the parade.
- Know the parade route (attach) and listen to all parade officials and Wendell Police officers.
- All music must be family oriented, you will be asked to turn off inappropriate music.
There will be awards given for best float, car, marching group, and entertaining group.
Thank you for participating in this year’s parade. Compliance with these guidelines will make it an enjoyable parade for everyone!
CONTACT: Parade Chair, Ann Keklak at wcoc@wendellchamber.com or the chamber office at 919-365-6318